Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Memphis to Amarillo and a day off

We knew the forecast predicted temperatures of over 100 degrees so we made it a point to be on our bikes by 6 am. But, before the day could even start I had a flat back tire to deal with. With some help I was able to dig out the metal shard causing the problem. I rode with Kristin and Susan (shout out to Diane Rhodes!) and we quickly realized that although the headwinds were already beating at us we were better off riding 3 wide and keeping the conversation going. Most of the ride was uphill and my legs were not in the mood. Mentally I was ready for the challenge but my legs were in the in-pain train. The Hoff was truly a beacon of hope to see at the top of a long hill. After first lunch we headed out with the knowledge that the next town had a DQ. We committed to stopping for milkshakes and headed out with spirits high. About 10 miles from lunch we heard a rush of air and I knew it was my tire going flat. That made flat tire #22 for the trip. To put that in perspective many people have only had one. The pavement and tire had gotten so hot that the patch on it wrinkled allowing the air to leak out. The only plus side, since there was nary a bit of shade in sight, is that I'm getting decently quick at changing a tire. We got back on the road and used our desire for milkshakes and air conditioning to power us up the last hills to the town. A chocolate peanut butter milkshake has never tasted so good and by the time we were ready to head out the rest of the team was there. We struggle bused it to second lunch and relished the shade there. The next ten miles were a struggle but after we made one of our last turns the wind was in our favor and we flew into the host around 22 mph. We were greeted by awesome snacks and after a solid nap an amazing dinner. Another nap followed.

By the time we made it into the host I remembered ways more about the great conversation I had with Kristin and Susan than the long hills and strong headwinds. What a great feeling.

About half of us woke up early to had to nearby Palo Duro Canyon. Look it up, it was gorgeous. It was already 110 degrees when we started hiking around 1030. So we kept it short and sweet but still enjoyed ourselves.

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