Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Exciting news! My good friend,former roommate & teammate has helped design the t-shirt. The picture above will be printed on a royal blue t-shirt in white font. (The final design will also include a line indicating the route we will take) They'll be available in pretty much any size you can imagine. Pre-orders will need to be placed to guarantee a shirt. So what are you waiting for!? E-mail me ( you name, shirt size(s) and quantities of each size. As soon as the costs are finalized (likely $15-$20) per shirt we can get them all ordered and distributed to spread the Bike & Build word. As always don't forget to tell you friends, family, barista, local fire dept, annoying next door neighbor, basically anyone you know. This makes great water cooler conversation!!!

& also, double exciting news, yesterday, thanks to a Facebook call to action, and response from several friends I reached my $1,000 goal that allows me to order my bike, Bike & Build will contact me in the next few days & we can get the process started. Now, only about $3,500 more to fundraise. Ha.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Article in KY Enquirer

To everyone in Cincinnati/NKY area, check out an article about Bike & Build in the NKY life section of the KY Enquirer, today's issue. For those not in Cincinnati, check out this link which will take you to the article in its online format!

Happy reading everyone!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Check out the FAQ

Just updated the FAQ section to include the answers to a few of the questions curious people have asked me most frequently. If you have a question don't be afraid to get in contact with me, either via this blog, or if you know me, send me a text, e-mail, or just hunt me down & ask. :) Hope you're all having a great start to the week. In the mean time, if you haven't already, don't forget to go to the B&B website & make a donation!!! Every little bit helps.

Monday, January 2, 2012

T-shirts coming soon!

Happy 2012 everyone!

After a suggestion was made by one of my friends I am working on getting a t-shirt design that will allow everyone to support me & show it! T-shirts will hopefully soon be available for sale & will be a great way to support me and my Bike & Build adventure. And get a great t-shirt out of it too!

The design will be posted as soon as it is available!!! In the meantime, don't forget to pass the link to this blog along to any friends and family members who might be interested in following. :)