Friday, April 6, 2012

"You're the reason we can't have nice things."

You know that friend, or maybe you are that friend, the one that has never left a restaurant without part of the meal on their shirt, or can't go more than a few minutes without spilling something, dropping crumbs down their shirt or knocking over their drink? While in real life I am definitely not that friend. I'm absolutely that friend of the bike world. I have not been able to go even near my bike without getting grease all over myself.

Chain grease doesn't come off all that easily. I walked around for 3 days after having scrubbed my calf raw in an attempt to get the grease off, still with grease on my leg. Luckily I remembered what I used back in my rowing days to get the track grease off the back of my legs. The most wonderful, and hard to come by, invention ever. Lava Soap. So far I've only found it in old general stores and down south. I'm on my last bar now, but hopefully during the summer it'll be readily available. The brand was bought by the manufacturers of WD-40 in 1999 & their goal has been to make the brand more widely available in stores.

I planned to explore a few more bike friendly areas of NKY/Cincinnati today, but time got the best of me, so I headed back over to Lunken and did the same 5 mile loop as yesterday. I had to be home for dinner, so I only got 15 miles in, but every 15 miles gets me a bit closer to my 500 mile goal. Again there was a nasty headwind, but I kept my cadence up and managed to crush the 15 miles in under an hour. :)

Long ride in the morning with my brother. I'm hoping for 65 miles if we can both make it. My butt was definitely a bit sore today. I've really never ridden two days in a row. Guess I better start getting used to that.

I officially hit the $3,000 mark today. Only $1,500 left to raise and I'm really excited to be closing in on the total. Don't forget to buy a t-shirt if you haven't already. They're only $15! Also, if you live in NKY there will be a spaghetti dinner at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church on Wednesday April 11th to benefit my trek this summer with Bike & Build, so stop by that if you're in the area!

15 miles today + 139 miles completed = 154 miles / 500, 346 left to ride.


  1. Jessie:
    I use Zep to clean my hands after I work on my bicycle. I think I got it at Home Depot. It works really well. But, after the mess I made of my hands fixing a flat a few days ago, I decided to start packing rubber gloves to go on rides, in case I have to do that while on the road.

  2. 'You know that friend?' ahemm. Stop talking about me on your blog!!! haha
