For those of you who don't know, the GAP trail allows bikers to go from Homestead, PA, (about 10 minutes from downtown PGH) and bike all the way to Washington, DC! That might be my next adventure after the summer is up.

I came to a corner, and saw a man, who I was hoping would be able to give me a more accurate description of where exactly I was, or an address/zip code to give to Aly who was brave/kind enough to come get me. Instead, to my surprise, hearing my dilemma, he offered me a ride back to my car. Now, I will attest that my mother taught me not to take rides from strangers (though in the worst way possible...), but, I was pretty desperate. The guy seemed nice enough, so I accepted his offer. (Mom, Dad, sorry I didn't mention this on the phone last night, but y'all probably would've flipped.) Put my bike in his car, committed his license plate number to memory should anything go wrong & told Aly I had found a ride.
Not that I'm advocating accepting rides from strangers...'cause I feel like in general it's probably a bad idea...but I'm grateful that there are still good people in this world willing to help someone else out for nothing in return. So, thank you Ray, should you ever stumble across this blog.
I got my tire fixed this morning, so, should I manage to wake up early enough before work tomorrow I plan to put in some of the miles I missed out on on Friday.
15 miles yesterday + 242 miles completed = 257 miles / 500, 243 left to ride.
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