Without further ado...
Carthage, TX
- Carthage is home to the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame.
- Its city sign boasts the phrase "Best small town in Texas" & its website claims it to be the gas capital of the U.S.
- Jonathon Anderson donated the 100 acres that created the town of Carthage in 1848.
- Athens boasts the title of "Original Home of the Hamburger" as well as the "Black-Eyed Pea Capital of the World".
- Over 17% of the towns population identifies with being Hispanic or Latino. Despite the Southern Nature of our trip this is the first city we will visit who has a Hispanic population greater than 5%.
- Barring any more route changes we will be in Athens on the day of their Juneteenth Rodeo. & I love me some rodeo.

We'll save Dallas & the rest of Texas for another day (or 2). In the meantime, it's almost my 22nd birthday. If you haven't donated to the Bike & Build cause yet what better gift to me than a donation!? Anything helps, but $22 could be the golden amount. Haha. I've raised about $2500. I don't have an exact total, as I do not have the amount raise from the Applebee's fundraiser yet, but still, $2000 more to raise & only 50 some-odd days to do it. Never for get the old saying "Today is a great day to donate to Bike & Build!"
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