Sunday, August 5, 2012

Oakhurst to Fresno and prom B&B style

The day started off with me forgetting my camelbak and sunglasses. Yup, 11 weeks in and my act still is not together. After I got my things Natalie, Hannah, Jack and I set off down the hill we climbed to the host yesterday. We stopped immediately at a local coffee shop at bottom where we DM'd some coffee.

We left and almost immediately started climbing. My body was not prepared for this and even in my granny gear I was barely moving. After a stop to remove my underarmor I continued on, and we regrouped at the top. We then circled Bass Lake which was beautiful but the roads were rough. We got to a gas station at mile 18 intending to take a nice break, but instead learned that in half an hour the section of road at mile 24 would be closing. So, Nate, Trent and I set out to crush to make it through. It was downhill and though we made it well before the supposed closing time of 10 am they had started early. They were blasting sections of hillside and as a result the road was both temporarily closed and unsafe for us to bike on. So, we had an early lunch stopped and hitchhiked our way through once the road opened. We had left Jack at the gas station with Marcus whose tire had exploded and needed to wait for sweep. Shortly after making our way through the construction we stopped at a school for a quick break and Natalie did the dip. So we were down to two and headed on. The rest of the ride was hot but conversation passed the time just fine.

After arriving at the church a few of us made a McD run knowing we had almost 4 hrs til dinner. And we pre-dinnered hard.

After dinner the prom prep began. After a store run Emily and I headed to the bathroom to do our hair. Our trio was Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2. I was Thing 2 and we both used blue hairspray to help us look the part. The costumes were all pretty funny and we headed out as a motley crew to a nearby restaurant. We got our drink and dance on and a bomb time was had by all. We partied hard til around 1130 when we were all beat and the restaurant finally kicked us out. Overall prom was a huge success!

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